Born in San Jose, capital of the Republic of Costa Rica, on March 21, 1967, this lawyer is married to Mirna Ortiz Hernández and together they have five children and four grandchildren.
Boris is a litigator, consultant, legal adviser and university professor.
He graduated from the University of Costa Rica, where he obtained Honors of Distinction in his Degree Thesis: "The consumer of insurance in Costa Rica: Legal framework that regulates their contractual relationship."
The versatility of Boris in the different areas of Law is marked by his practical experience in cases of different nuances, in addition to his experience of two decades as an Advisory Agent and expert in Insurance..
He is the founder and partner President of the Firm B MOLINA ABOGADOS
He is the current Vice President of the Costa Rican Insurance and Bonds Law Association (ACODES), AIDA Section (Association Internationale du Droit des Assurances), Costa Rica.
Boris serves as the General Director of the National Federation of Consumers and Users Associations of Costa Rica (FENASCO).
Within the panel of neutrals, in his capacity as arbitrator of law, Boris is part of the International Center for Conciliation and Arbitration (CICA) (
Until May 2018, Boris served as Judge-Referee of the National Dispute Resolution Chamber of the National Football Federation of Costa Rica (FEDEFUT) ( ).
In his experience as a litigant, Boris is internationally known for having been the attorney who represented 70% of the victims in the most emblematic case of the History of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, namely the case of Artavia Murillo and others vs Costa Rica
On the other hand, he works as a trial lawyer in various areas, including Insurance Law, Human Rights, Consumer Law, Civil, Commercial and Contracting Law.
As a jurist, he has written several specialized articles and served as a university professor in Constitutional Law, Constitutional Procedural Law and Philosophy of Law.
DERECHO DE SEGUROS: Conferencia 'Derechos del Consumidor, Teoría del Riesgo y Últimas Resoluciones Relevantes’. Fecha de publicación 7 de noviembre de 2017. II Jornadas deTemas Actuales de Derecho de Seguros. Auditorio Dr. Eduardo Ortiz Ortiz del Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Costa Rica. Una conferencia en la que analizamos los temas del derecho del consumidor , la teoría del riesgo en los seguros, a la luz de la jurisprudencia costarricense.
DERECHO DE SEGUROS: Conferencia "El Panel de las organizaciones sociales en la defensa efectiva del consumidor de seguros”. 13 de septiembre de 2016. I Jornada de Derecho de Seguros. Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica. En esta conferencia analizamos el papel que cumplen, en Costa Rica, las diferentes organizaciones sociales que tienen como fin defender los derechos de los asegurados o consumidores de seguros.
FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO: Fecundación in vitro en Costa Rica, tras decisión de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos - Debate . 2 de marzo de 2016. RTN Revista, Canal 13, Costa Rica. Debate sobre la segunda sentencia de la Corte IDH en el caso de la FIV, donde intervino la Defensora de los Habitantes, Dra Monserrath Solano y el Diputado Gonzalo Ramírez ( opositor al tema ).
FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO: Debate sobre la fecundación in vitro : Boris Molina vs Fabricio Alvarado. 5 de febrero de 2016. Telenoticias, edición estelar, Canal 7, Costa Rica. Al momento de este debate la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos no había resuelto en definitiva el tema de la fecundación in vitro, entonces de discutía la necesidad de cumplir con la resolución de la Corte IDH del 2012. Sin embargo, un mes después del debate, la Corte IDH emite la resolución final que resuelve esencialmente este tema para los costarricenses. El señor Fabricio Alvarado en ese momento era Diputado de la República, y dos años después, para febrero del 2018, sería uno de los candidatos a la Presidencia que ganaba el derecho a estar en la segunda ronda electoral, en la que resultó perdedor en abril del 2018.
FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO: Audiencia de supervisión y cumplimiento de sentencia : Caso Artavia Murillo y otros vs Costa Rica ( FIV ). 3 de septiembre de 2015. Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Esta audiencia fue vital dentro de este proceso , porque ella será la base para la segunda sentencia de la Corte IDH en contra de Costa Rica , a través de la cual se deja sin efecto la inconstitucionalidad que había dictado la Sala Constitucional de Costa Rica contra el Decreto Ejecutivo que rehabilitó la FIV en Costa Rica. Nuestra primera intervención es a partir del minuto 31
FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO: Momento histórico en que recibimos la sentencia de la Corte IDH en el año 2012, en el caso de la Fecundación in vitro. 20 de dic de 2012. Video propiedad de Amelia Rueda - Lugar, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, Torre Mercedes Benz. Sin duda alguna uno de los momentos más importantes de mi vida profesional. La notificación de la primera sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el caso de la fecundación in vitro.
FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO: Conclusiones en audiencia del Caso Artavia Murillo y otros vs Costa Rica ( FIV). 6 de sept de 2012. Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. En esta audiencia se dan las conclusiones de todas las partes del Caso FIV ante la Corte IDH. Las nuestras están a partir del minuto 21.
FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO: Caso Artavia Murillo y otros vs Costa Rica (FIV). Primera audiencia oficial - Video. 5 de sept de 2012. Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Video completo de la primera audiencia ( primera parte ) del Caso FIV en la Corte IDH - Interrogatorio a testigos y peritos del caso.
DERECHO DEL CONSUMIDOR Y CONSTITUCIONAL: Taller Salud y Derechos Humanos en enfermedades de alto costo. 24 de julio de 2011. Sobre Conferencia dictada en República Dominicana respecto de los sistemas de Seguridad Social en RD y Costa Rica. En esa conferencia mostramos cómo, a pesar de coincidir en muchas cosas la letra de la ley, los sistemas de seguridad social en República Dominicana y Costa Rica guardan enormes distancias prácticas .
Leticia has over thirty years of teaching experience at the State Distance University (UNED) where she taught multiple courses, among others, Agrarian Law, Cooperative and Social, Business (Tax, Labor, Financial, Commercial), Banking, Family Law , Childhood and Adolescence, Educational, Labor, Special Criminal, Criminal Constitutional, Human Rights, Ethics and Law, Media and Criminology, Criminal Procedure.
That experience as a Professor combined with other high-ranking positions in that university center, as they would be the Acting Director of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities-ECSH; Coordinator of the Careers of Police Sciences, of Criminological Sciences and of the Masters in Criminology; Representative of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities-ECSH, in the different Operational-Academic Committees of the Masters of Law (Economic Law and International Trade, Labor and Social Security Law, Human Rights, Intellectual Property, Constitutional Law, Criminology) System of Postgraduate Studies-SEP and Representative of the UNED in the Academic Committee of Professionalization of the AICEF (Ibero-American Academy of Criminalistics and Forensic Studies).
Lawyer and Public Notary with thirty seven years of experience in the professional practice. After her retirement from the UNED, in 2013, she joined the profession and as a partner of the Firm B MOLINA ABOGADOS is also the Director of the Corporate Law Area, although her deep academic training obliges her to participate in the litigation in Family, Civil and Criminal matters.
His Law Degree is obtained with honors at the University of Costa Rica. After several years of free practice of the profession and joining as an academic at the UNED, she went to Europe to pursue a Master's Degree in Law and Economics from the European Union at the Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute-Universidad Complutense, Madrid , Spain. He also attended the Doctoral Degree in Criminal Law and Criminology at the National University of Distance Education, UNED-Spain, as well as at the UNED in Costa Rica, where he is a doctorate of the Doctorate in Law of that university center.
She is the author and co-author of several texts and articles, among which is mentioned: The basic knowledge of the Law of Solidarity Associations. Popular notebook. ASEPROLA, 1986. Notes on the Costa Rican Family Regulations. Text UNED, 1995. Agrarian Law. Text UNED, 1997. Article: Unemployment. Expectation or Real Right? Aportes Magazine, 1999. Article: Tica Vision on the problems of Costa Rica and Nicaragua on the San Juan River. Magazine: Of the Legal. Body of the Association of Democratic Lawyers of Nicaragua, 1999. Also published in Revista Espiga. UNED, January-June 2000. Article: Comments on the application of the Law against Domestic Violence, Law # 7586 - Costa Rica. Espiga Magazine. UNED, 2002. Family, Childhood and Adolescence. Fundamental Legal Aspects. Text for the UNED, 2007 ".
Boris is a young man who has accumulated a lot of practical experience in the litigation world. His outstanding participation in international competitions of judicial and arbitral simulation, provided valuable inputs that translate into a professional with a very complete and comprehensive perspective of what it is to put into practice the law.
In the month of June 2014, he participated in the II Judicial Simulation Contest of the International Criminal Court, in the Spanish language, held in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, with the intervention of more than 10 Ibero-American countries and 20 teams from different Universities in the area. Obtained, along with the team of the University of Costa Rica that participated, the Second Place of the contest; and personally, he was awarded the prize as Best Speaker of the contest. (LINK: ).
Likewise, for April 2015, he also participated in the VII International Competition of Arbitration and Commercial Law, known as "Moot-Madrid 2015", in Spanish, held in Madrid, at the headquarters of the Carlos III University and the Court of Arbitration. from Madrid. This important academic event was attended by 15 countries in total, including Europeans such as France, Poland and the Russian Federation, and all of Latin America, for a total of 32 teams. In it Boris obtained, along with the team of the University of Costa Rica that participated, the Third Place of the contest; and personally, he obtained Honorable Mention as Best Speaker of the competition. (LINK: )
He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree with a mention in Forensic Sciences from the University of Costa Rica, who also awarded him the degree of Distinction of Honor in his Final Graduation Work, entitled: "In vitro fertilization: Criminal policy and legislative intervention in Costa Rica. Delicious". He has always been characterized as an excellent student; It is thorough and detailed; He loves to read, write, investigate and criticize.
His interest in practical specialization is in Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminalistics, everything related to Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, International Law, Human Rights, International Criminal Law, Crimes of medical malpractice, Crimes against health and life, Economic crimes, crimes against honor, environmental crimes, administrative law, civil and administrative liability, litigation litigation and administrative, national and international commercial arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.
In addition, he possesses a special taste for sciences such as Politics, Geography and History; in Management Administration, Human Resources, Marketing and Business; Conciliation and mediation; he knows how to work under pressure and as a team; with great leadership skills, empowerment, training, research and synthesis.
In short, Boris, like the rest of his team at B Molina Abogados, hopes to provide a first class treatment, a personalized, comprehensive, detailed and high quality service, in which always deprive the best for the interest we are preserving, yours.
“Presentación en Corte Penal Internacional con ocasión del Concurso CPI de Simulación Judicial, en La Haya, Países Bajos, 6 de junio de 2014. PARTE 1 ( Ver a partir del minuto 57:15 y 1:47:10)
“Presentación en Corte Penal Internacional con ocasión del Concurso CPI de Simulación Judicial, en La Haya, Países Bajos, 6 de junio de 2014. PARTE 2 (Ver a partir del minuto 10:20 y 12:15)
Noticia sobre resultados del Moot Madrid 2015, celebrado en abril de 2015, en Madrid y otras ciudades españolas, con auspicio de la Universidad Carlos III y la Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid.
Entrevista realizada por la Fundación Igualitos en mayo de 2018, sobre la responsabilidad internacional ante el desacato de lo preceptuado por la Corte Interamericana tanto en el Caso FIV como en la Opinión Consultiva OC-24/17.
Noticia oficial de la Corte Penal Internacional sobre resultados del II Concurso CPI de Simulación Judicial, donde se denota el premio obtenido por Boris y su equipo.
Fotografías oficiales de la Corte Penal Internacional de la ceremonia de Final del II II Concurso CPI de Simulación Judicial.
Noticia de la UCR sobre el grupo de estudiantes que participó en el Moot Madrid 2015.
Indice de autores de la Asociación Costarricense sobre Derecho Internacional, del cual Boris es parte.
Noticia sobre resultados del II Concurso CPI de Simulación Judicial.
Libro digital de memorias del Moot Madrid, donde consta la obra de Boris y su equipo en la VII Edición de 2015.
Noticia de un medio africano sobre el resultado del II Concurso CPI de Simulación Judicial.
Artículo descargable de la Edición Especial de la Revista de la ACODI, sobre Derecho Penal Internacional, titulado “Desatinos de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Penal Internacional en la determinación del elemento generalidad en los delitos de lesa humanidad: Una propuesta empírico-racional en pro de las garantías del acusado”.
Born in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Mr. Pedro arrives in Costa Rica in 1977 and, since then, directs his professional life from this country.
In his native country he obtained a Doctorate in Law and Social Sciences, and also taught at the main State University, the University of the Republic, where he would also be an honorary member of the Institute of Philosophy and General Theory of Law.
Docteur en Philosophie du Droit (Université de Droit, d´Economie et de Sciences Sociales de Paris). Fue investigador de la Alexander Von Humbolt-Stiftung ( Tübingen y Saarbrücken ).
Don Pedro is distinguished for having been the Director of Research at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights.
Due to his enormous career as an international and national jurist, he has been awarded many recognitions, among which the Prize to the Researcher of the University of Costa Rica, in 2006, and the Distinguished Ulises Odio Santos Prize, which was awarded by the Supreme Court of Justice of Costa Rica in the year 2018 ( )
The contribution to the legal science of Don Pedro is invaluable, he has written multiple books, articles and dissertations in various fields, both in America and in Europe. Without a doubt, it is a first class international reference.
As Director of the Area of Argumentation and Legal Interpretation at B MOLINA ABOGADOS, Mr. Pedro carries out a life support work in arbitration or judicial proceedings, being able to elaborate expert opinions or issue legal opinions on conflict of rules, legal interpretation or legal argumentation, tools of immense value for the parties and the judges.
Although Don Pedro's publications, for the most part, are for sale in physical form, promoted by many publishers throughout the American and European continent, we can find on the Internet a series of very valuable publications and free of charge, for example , the following:[completo].pdf
The academy, without a doubt, is something that characterizes the life of this lawyer that is marked by life among books, scientific research and teaching.
The Costa Rican Minor E. Salas becomes a university professor shortly after turning 30 years old.
In the professional field, Minor E. Salas is currently working as Professor (in ownership and with all the academic steps) in the Chairs of Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law jointly. He also dedicates part time of his working day as a Plant Investigator to the Institute of Legal Research of the University of Costa Rica, from which he has made multiple national and international publications (Germany, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, etc.) . Likewise, he worked, until the beginning of 2018, as a Criminal Lawyer in the legal firm: PenalCorp: Rivero y Asociados, from which multiple and diverse cases were taken in the area of ??Criminal Law. At the present moment, he is the lawyer Director of the Law and Criminal Litigation Area at B Molina Abogados.
Summa cum Laude in obtaining the degree of Academic Doctor in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by the Institut für die gesamten Strafrechtwissenschaften, under the direction of the world-renowned criminalist Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult., Claus Roxin. Germany.
Prize of the Fakultätspreis of the Maximilian University of Munich with the consequent publication, in the prestigious Editorial C.H. Beck, from my book on criminal law and criminal procedure: "Kritik des Strafprozessualen Denkens, Rechtstheoretische Grundlagen einer (realistischen) Theorie des Strafverfahrens, Verlag CH Beck, Münchener Universitätsschriften, Reihe der Juristischen Fakultät, Herausgegeben von Claus-Wilhelm Canaris, Peter Lerche, Claus Roxin, Band 194, Munich, 2005, XIV + 391 pp.
Central American single with a complete biographical entry the encyclopedic "A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence", in 12 volumes, edited by the famous editorial Springer Netherlands, Enrico Pattaro and Corrado Roversi (Eds.), Netherlands, 2016.
Publications in many countries of Latin America and Europe on topics related to their areas of expertise. He has also given conferences in different countries of Latin America and Europe. Here we share the following:
The international prestige of Eduardo Vargas Vargas as a Certified Public Accountant and Forensic Expert is widely recognized.
Don Eduardo has extensive experience in the Judicial Branch of Costa Rica, which we can summarize as follows: OIJ Accountants, Internal Auditor, Operative, Special Investigations. Section Chief O.I.J., Sub Chief Personnel Department P.J, Chief Personnel Department P.J, Chief Treasurer of P.J, Head of the Department of Retirement and Pensions.
He is an Expert Consultant in matters of Economic and Tax Crime to Professional Associations, Authorized Public Accountants, Ministry of Finance, Institute of Internal Auditors. Expert Consultant in Economic and Tax Crime 2001-2016 (more than 735 technical criteria and reports issued with 100% effectiveness, including cases resolved in matters of Money Laundering, Fraudulent Administration, Scams and bankruptcies).
Don Eduardo's experience is deeply valued and exploited in the solution of multiple cases that are addressed in B MOLINA ABOGADOS and in which Mr. Vargas is hired as a forensic expert. What is constituted in a tool of first level work for the litigating lawyer.
rt Werner Roper, is a young Costa Rican - German who from a very early age began to express his desire to win, being in the first places of disciplines such as chess, athletics (Central American champion 60mts), swimming, handball, and finally football , forming part of the national team Sub15-Sub17, and as a player of Deportivo Saprissa (the most popular team in the country), where he was for more than 10 years and came to participate in the First Division team.
All these sports awards encouraged in this young person values like the love to the work, individual and collective leadership, possibility of working in team and the healthy competition.
At Humboldt School, one of the most prestigious in the country, he obtained his academic training in trilingual education (Spanish, English and German). After graduating he decided to start his law career. His constant dedication to the study of the subject won him a scholarship as "outstanding student". He is currently pursuing his Law Degree successfully.
urt half a decade ago has been one of the most high performance Investment Advisors in the area and also, one of the most searched agent by people who want to grow their capital. His way of treating each person as if he were a family is what makes him stand out, as well as his excellent work in making personalized and successful decisions with each client.
Another great virtue of Kurt is his ability to speak three languages; Spanish, English and German. Facilitating the understanding and communication between clients and their different cultures.
With extensive knowledge in the world of Real Estate, Kurt has come to understand in a precise way the behavior of the stock market. Its competitiveness has made it stand for more than a year as the main investment mechanism in terms of utility interest in the entire country.
In 2018 he traveled to the Virgin Islands and was a group leader of more than 40 people, guiding them to reconstructions in homes that had been affected by Hurricane Irma. His work was appreciated by a plurality of locals due to his empathy with the people. His reason for this work was because he felt he had to do something for humanity, the desire to serve has always been the main theme for Kurt.
“Everything that is created in this world has a function of serving; the cell phone, the pen, the radio all work for something. When we do not serve in this world, we are not in tune with the universe. We were created to serve”-Kurt Werner Roper
Kurt has noticed the importance of social networks today. The world changes, and it has been important to be able to enter into reality that we are in such a crucial transition stage for humanity is important. Meeting business expectations, whether it's growing, interacting, or reaching new audiences is something that truly fulfills him. Today more than 24 thousand users follow his content on different platforms, encouraging a large number of young people the desire and the principles of entrepreneurship in Costa Rica.
At B MOLINA ABOGADOS we trust in the work of Kurt and we are pleased to offer his services as a true Investment Advisor and leader of his own team in this important area of the modern business world.
La combinación de la carrera de Derecho con la de Orientación es algo que no es casual en la vida de esta joven estudiante y paralegal en B MOLINA ABOGADOS.
Fiorella Molina Mathiew tiene una visión muy social del derecho y está convencida que el abogado no se puede conformar con poseer una sola profesión , de tal manera que ella ha decidido combinar estas dos carreras en la Universidad de Costa Rica y procurar obtener lo mejor de ellas en beneficio de la importante labor que desarrolla dentro de la Firma.
Los dones de liderazgo de Fiorella se evidenciaron desde la Primaria, cuando resultó electa como Presidenta del Gobierno estudiantil y luego orientó ese liderazgo hacia el mejoramiento de su capacidad oratoria y la posibilidad de trabajar en equipo.
Por su juventud y energía, Fiorella posee una habilidad especial para el manejo de las redes sociales, y se ha preocupado por el estudio de este fenómeno social y su importancia en el mundo moderno, procurando rescatar en ese tema los mayores beneficios para los clientes que honran a la Firma con su confianza.
La Imagen de una empresa no es una tarea fácil, debe tenerse experiencia y ser un profesional en la materia; pero más importante aún, se debe ser un enamorado del proyecto para que el resultado sea conforme al sueño que lo forjó.
Alex Molina es un reconocido profesional de artes dramáticas , fotógrafo, comunicador, escritor, pintor y experto en relaciones interpersonales.
Como buen comunicador, Alex también es una apasionado de la docencia, siendo egresado de la Licenciatura en Docencia de la Universidad de San Marcos.
Su pasión, por supuesto, ha sido la actuación, como medio de vida y como formación académica, habiéndose egresado de la Licenciatura en Artes Dramáticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Todas las fotografías de esta página han sido producto del talento de Alex, al igual que todas las pinturas que se exhiben en las oficinas de B MOLINA ABOGADOS. Por eso su papel como Director de Imagen Corporativa es vital, en tanto él dirige todos los elementos de imagen, audio y video que se forjan para crear una imagen corporativa de la Firma.
En los grandes reconocimientos al trabajo de Alex, a modo de ejemplo, podemos citar los siguientes:
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Contenido de la Biografía.
Our Firm is born with an integral vision of solution to legal problems. In this sense, based on the needs of our customers, we develop a comprehensive solution strategy, aware that not every legal problem requires a response from the conflict, hence, when necessary, the conciliation can be our first option.