Equipo completo Boris Molina Abogados

We also integrate the different areas of law,
when there is the required alternative, to the extent that we believe it necessary to promote a broader vision to resolve conflicts.

Our Services

We look for "tailored suits" for the requirements of our clients, including alliances with professionals and relevant companies, from other areas of human knowledge, that complement the Law, in the search for that answer or solution that is needed.
Our Services


At B MOLINA ABOGADOS We have been worried about forming a highly trained team. This is demonstrated by the national and international prestige of the professionals who make up our firm, who have left a palpable imprint on legal science, academia and our society in general.
Our Team

Contact Us

For B MOLINA ABOGADOS It is a great pleasure to serve you.
Please contact us through the way you are most comfortable for you.
Contact Us

We assume as a challenge,
that each case is an opportunity to serve at the highest level.